Stress free contributions of support for both you and your guests.

The Wishing Well is My Practical Support’s unique contribution Gift Registry. The Wishing Well is a seamless fusion of stunning product content, with a shoppable digital format, including an ability to create multiple events that is published in translatable languages. You can customise Your Gift Register by uploading your own bills due, such as an electricity bill, and selecting your preferred Providers in your Wishing Well or personalised events such as your children’s birthdays.

Your Gift Register can combine products and services to include any Provider on the My Practical Support job directory such as babysitting, cleaning, gardening, cooking and pet care. My Practical Support Online Shop’s also provides a full selection of products we think you will love.

Send beautiful digital format invitations to your invitees, family, friends and colleagues linked directly to Your Contribution Register.

Already a member: Follow the easy steps in your member’s area to start your Gift Registry.

Not a Member: SIGN UP to receive contributions and support today!

My Practical Support is committed to offering a service that is beneficial and valuable. Once your guest has contributed an amount, you and your guest will receive a confirmation of payment with the amount contributed. This amount will also display on your dashboard in your Gift Register under the specific Wishing Well event. An invoice will be raised automatically at the end of the event that matches the total of all contributions for your Wishing Well event that will be banked into your nominated bank account.


Our cutting edge website combines effortless resources with world-class editorial. Featuring leading Providers, exclusive services, practical products, expert trend reports and insurance advice, it's the ultimate home care destination.

Gift Registry Setup:

There is no charge for setting up My Wishing Well a Gift Registry which includes Your Contribution Register.

You can send beautiful digital notification cards for your invitations. You can have a number of events running at the same time. You can upload a bill due or your child’s birthday, for your friends and family to help with some expenses. A statement will automatically be raised at the end of your Wishing Well event with the total amount of the contributions you have received. The payment will then be made to your nominated bank account. Your bank account details are never publicly displayed and your invoice will remain on your dashboard, for your records.

Service and Delivery:

There is a delivery charge per order, that is disclosed to your guest at time of contribution. A delivery charge is calculated when purchasing merchandise directly from the My Practical Support store. This cost is disclosed at the time of direct purchase.

Promotional Delivery Offer:

When we offer a promotion, any service costs will be disclosed at time of order. This offer cannot be retrospectively applied.