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'Thank you for your messages of support. Whilst I'll keep battling, I'd appreciate any help you can give. I have created a list of items that would help be out at this difficult time. Please consider and make a contribution if you're so inclined. The following link will take you to my contribution registry or search by my surname www.mypracticalsupport.com.au. Much love and thank you.'


'You are invited to participate in my Wishing Well. I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart for any contribution, big or small. I'll forever remember your kindness at this very difficult time. Please find the link to My Contribution Registry or search by Surname www.mypracticalsupport.com.au.'


'I invite you to participate in a gift registry I have compiled. I have selected products and services such as babysitting to looking after the kids while I am receiving treatment or in hospital. If you would like to contribute please click the link or search by my surname www.mypracticalsupport.com.au. Thank you very much for thinking of us all.'


'Your warm wishes have kept me going. That is the reason I don't give up. You are invited to participate in a Contribution Register I have compiled with a selection of products and services I will be using during this time. Please find the link to my Contribution Registry or search by my surname www.mypracticalsupport.com.au'


'It's no secret I've had the stuffing knocked out of me, but with your kindness and support I'll be back on my feet much sooner. Please find the link to my Contribution Registry or search by my surname www.mypracticalsupport.com.au My spirit has been lifted and I have found great courage to fight on. Thank you for showing you care. Your support is greatly appreciated at this time.'


'As you are aware, I've has a bit of a blow. Earth shattering news. I've never felt so low. Your generosity moves me more than words can say. You're a champion in each and every way. I have put together a list of products and services that I will need during this journey. Please find the link to my Contribution Registry or search by my surname www.mypracticalsupport.com.au. It might have been a little gesture, but that always inspires me to get on my feet. Thank you.'