Due to our obsession with quality and service, we rarely outsource which means we have an enormously diverse and complex business. Where else would you find PHP Developers, Lawyers, Insurance professionals working next to home care? We do EVERY part of the process and are effectively a global e-commerce company that happens to sell insurance plus we have the flat, flexible structures allowing people to see their impact and benefit.

Success is up to you! Everyone starts on a level playing field. We provide you with ongoing support - you just need to take responsibility, provide the self-motivation, keen ability to learn and stick to the regulatory framework. You need to have an abundance of confidence to suggest ideas, and the initiative, determination and persistence to bring the ideas alive.

Through a variety of formal and informal methods, individuals are encouraged to manage their development with the support of their managers and My Practical Support. Without a doubt everyone at My Practical Support is on a steep learning curve. With a steady stream of new ideas and technologies being introduced, our demanding customers need people who have the fortitude and confidence to learn on the job, can cope with the challenges given to them and not buckle under a deadline driven environment. Challenging the traditional is expected and we look to our team to constantly innovate and surprise with new fresh deliverables . We provide support and collaboration but it is not an environment for the faint hearted. No one here knows it all. There is always someone or something to learn from. You must love learning and proactively undertake your own professional development hold current insurance certificates and your own profession.

We offer all employees opportunities to develop, from on-the-job coaching and mentoring, to the development of management skills and professional qualifications. By investing in our employees, we believe our My Practical Support staff will grow, survive and thrive in our ever-expanding global business.