The My Practical Support community events are here!

Join us for a once in a lifetime fun spectacular My Practical Support calendar of events.

Our events are designed to bring our community of customers together. You are never alone when you are well connected. We run a number of events and competitions throughout the year which are designed to cater for our members of singles, couples, families and single parents. Within our event we set aside some proceeds raised at the events to help fund our community programs and supportive home care programs for singles and single parents who have been diagnosed with a serious medical condition and are geographically displaced from immediate family or close friends.

If you encounter any technical problems registering for the My Practical Support events please contact My Practical Support team on 07 3172 3787. Visit for more information. We host a number of free to enter events to cater for families and single parents, with plenty of entertainment and exciting activities to do.

Here are our top 6 annual events.
We look forward to meeting you there.

Love and Light

is our signature event My Practical Support hosted simultaneously around Australia. You can order your lantern to send a wish into the New Year. This runs in to the night early Summer night.

Subscribe here to register to attend our annual signature event.
If you had a choice – how would you want to be supported during and after your medical journey, car, plane, train, boat, hot air balloon and why? Our "how do you wish to be supported event" is a packed full day of fun including the chance of winning a holiday.

“For me the only choice is a cruise, where the only decision I have to make is which togs or clothes will I be wearing today. No responsibility for a while, no housekeeping and great food at any time. I can’t wait to get out of the house - just me and my husband.”

“My choice is an aeroplane to fly away. But I feel like I am standing at the departures board and where do I go?”

“Fresh air, open roads, a luxury car please.”

“I want to float like I am on a soft fluffy cloud. A hot air balloon would feel so peaceful and wonderous.”

“A train because my world is spinning past me and when my treatment ended I am like where to now? Maybe there is no particular stop that I need to get off at just yet.”

Rose Wall

Is writing your heart's desires on beautiful paper, folded into an envelope and placed in the wall. This is one of our most popular events.

Painting on the wall

Professional and budding artists, paint and draw until your heart is content. Purchase at the event or go online to order your piece in the My Practical Support mosaic.

Guinness world record attempt

The more the merrier to make My Practical Support history.

My Practical Support photography competition

Utilise your creative genius incorporating all of My Practical Support logo colours. Entry cost $100 per photo. The winner will get national recognition with a double page feature published in the My Practical Support magazine viewed by 94% of the Australian adult population.

If you have a community event that you would like us to attend, contact us.

MY PRACTICAL SUPPORT has a dedicated Public Relations Organiser who looks after requests for event participation support. Contact us to see what MY PRACTICAL SUPPORT can do for your community event.

Here are some of the popular events that we have attended in 2015.

The Olivia Newton-John The Wellness Walk at Ivanhoe Melbourne.

The Olivia Newton-John Wellness Centre final wing named in Irene Newton-John’s honour launched on 15 September 2013. Irene was a beautiful lady with class and elegance. As the matriarch of the family she led her children to greatness. It was very fitting to have the Wellness wing dedicated to Olivia’s mother 10 years ago when Austin Health approached Olivia’s management with the proposal of naming the hospital in her name it was her mother who offered the guidance and wisdom. “You just do not know how many people you will help by lending your name to such a cause.” Olivia’s legacy is assured in community spirit. By Olivia saying “Yes” and years of constant fundraising efforts taking many on a global journey from the Great Wall of China and beyond, friends and wellwishers and far have dug deep to support a worthy and generous cause. Irene lived in Melbourne, a place Olivia knew as a child. Irene was pivotal as any close family knows in guiding and pushing family members to success. Irene children each went on to grow and thrive in their chosen professions. Olivia wrote resonating songs whilst going through treatment for breast cancer. She wrote “we are all pearls on a chain”. This is true. Olivia’s brother is a doctor in Melbourne. If strong family ties to Melbourne is not enough to bring you home, a passionate cause will do it! It was a family affair. Olivia’s eldest sister Rona’s children came to the event from MC to singing to fitness. Every member played a part. You are never alone when you are well connected. Perhaps that is the Newton-Johns' secret to thriving. They were all amazing. It was a day of laughter, happiness and fun. This is an annual event not to miss.